<aside> <img src="/icons/code_gray.svg" alt="/icons/code_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Including JavaScript in the middle of an HTML page can cause the browser to pause parsing the rest of the HTML until the script is downloaded and executed. For improved performance, embed components can be placed outside of the section component as the last element on the page.


  1. Add in Site Settings Head Code
(function(global){global.pageFunctions=global.pageFunctions||{executed:{},functions:{},addFunction:function(id,fn){if(!this.functions[id])this.functions[id]=fn},executeFunctions:function(){if(this.added)return;this.added=true;for(const id in this.functions){if(!this.executed[id]){try{this.functions[id]();this.executed[id]=true}catch(e){console.error(`Error executing function ${id}:`,e)}}}}}})(window);
  1. Add in Site Settings Footer Code (after any libraries like GSAP)
  1. Add in embed inside section
pageFunctions.addFunction('yourFunctionName', function() {
	// your code